• Note where you are at and what you are intending to work on during the session. This can be your own private intention / mini mind movie of something grand or simply to adjust something in your body, emotions, experience, life, etc. Writing it down can help you track progress in the following days.
• Wear comfortable clothes and if you tend to run cold or hot, layers are great. Sometimes when we are releasing we can feel cold, maybe even a little shaky, in some cases, which although not a risk can feel uncomfortable. You may experience heat in your body for a short period. During the session having the ability to adjust layers is helpful. For group sound healing events, sound baths, bring a blanket, pillow, eye pillow for comfort. Exception… for events at Solaterra - not mats, blankets or pillows required.
• Allow yourself room to have additional personal relaxation time at home following the session. Time for a salt bath or salt foot soak, time to go inward or time in nature, whatever is nurturing for your body and soul. This will vary from session to session and person to person. This is especially important for the first session as you see how you specifically respond, or if you are going through something significant. It can be really helpful to plan some time for rest and meditation.
Sound baths can be similar to psychedelic experiences, without the psychedelics and in a safe way. Emotions, images, experiences of past lives, sense of traveling in space (outer or inner), etc. And after a sound session you can have a deeply relaxed and zen state. Sound healing / cranial sacral therapy is also a great integration tool following a psychedelic journey.
• In some cases a session can inspire action and flow, suddenly find yourself getting things done, or getting creative in something, with a motivation and drive that is very calm and focused where tasks seem to get done easily, just knowing what’s the priority.
• If you have not done a great deal of energy work – it’s a good idea to start with a shorter session to allow yourself a time or two to explore how it works within your energy and body. And to also start off gently. Again, taking a salt bath or getting out in nature can be very supportive after the session.
• Energy work is a little like cleaning and maintaining a home. Things can build up unless we attend to the cleaning and maintenance regularly. And sometimes it’s great to call in some extra cleaning help…
Sound Journeys (sometimes referred to as Sound Baths or Sound Immersions) are a different than the 1:1 Sound Healing Sessions… in that it is a group meditation setting, with everyone laying silently on their mats - guided by the facilitator and sound tools.
For Sound Journeys, please bring your yoga mat, a pillow, an eye pillow and a blanket to keep you comfy and cozy for the hour of sound and meditation.
Wear layers accordingly for the time of year so you can adjust if you cool down or heat up during the meditation. Extra pair of warm socks or slppers is helpful to wear or have on hand. Bring an eye mask if that helps you tune inward. Each person and each sound bath experience can vary, but once you’ve been to a few you will have a sense of what works best for you.