Grief to Joy
Supporting you through a time of grief or loss.
Grief is powerfully transformational
Are you needing support in an experience of grief?
We ultimately process our own grief, in our own way, in our own time. It can be very beneficial to have support - giving you an energetic boost or working to release grief held in the body.
Support can come in many ways if someone you love is transitioning or has transitioned, or you are in the process of transitioning:
Someone offers you words of care and it moves you to tears, moving the emotion.
You are able to share how precious (the person or other loss) was in your life, opening you to joy.
You receive somatic work that moves the grief and other emotions in your body.
Someone is just there - ‘right here with you’ in a moment of grief or processing life experiences.
Someone gets you up and out, so you can
You commit to yourself - to do whatever it takes to live your best life in honor of your loved one.
You receive communication from your loved one - directly or through another person.
You allow yourself the full body cries - to just be in it and allow it to move through.
Working with someone who has been through a similar depth of the grief experience.
Support if you are in transition is also available - this is a very sacred and important process for a soul to transition beyond the physical.
#grief #soundhealing #pentictonbc #soundhealer #biofieldtuning #acutonics
Kyle’s Message
My youngest son Kyle was born in 1986. He passed in 2014.
He experienced many challenges physically during his life. Diagnosed at birth with cerebral palsy which included all of his physical abilities.
He was unconditional love in the physical and I remain grateful for him everyday.
There have been many people and resources that have guided the journey - so much I know now, I wished I had known “then” - and still, the relationship continues, as does the learning.
Here I can walk with you - hold space for you, use sound & vibration to help shift the held grief in the body (grief can be felt very physically in the body), share resources that can support, and more.
The Chickadee image was Kyle’s communication to me 2 years after he passed.
#grief #soundhealing #pentictonbc #soundhealer #biofieldtuning #acutonics

We live on whether in our body or not. Our loved ones are with us whether our mind is conscious of them or not.
We may not know what bliss and joy they are experiencing now - but we can aim to honor them and their life by living in the highest expression we can.
In our joy we have a greater chance of experiencing connection with them now.
Let’s connect.
Book a Session
For an in-person session at the studio, please click the Book Now button below or at the top of the page. There are 2 locations in Penticton I offer in-person services (see top of main page for the 2 different booking / calendar links) and 1 location option in Summerland. See my contact page for my phone and email.
You are welcome to join in the group Sound Journeys as well - see the Events tab at the top of the page for times and dates.
For a session by telephone or zoom, please use the Contact form and email me your contact information so we can set up a time that is convenient.
I look forward to meeting you…