There is a great deal of ideas on consciousness, particularly ‘becoming conscious’ or how to not be ‘unconscious’ in our life - which serves and has value…. but I notice that there can also be a ‘better than’ aspect - whether we are seen as being awakened or conscious, making us better than or less than depending on how we fall, or are perceived to fall, in our or someone else’s view of what that should look like. And as we are ever evolving - having a project - ‘to project outward an ideal’ gives us something to strive for….but sometimes it seems to create more struggle and suffering.
Holding opposing or diverse views on things helps me to address the internal and external judgment - to be able to observe from all perspectives and hold them all as true - to pull me back from falling into the trap of judgment of self or others. Recently, the following videos and books have been inspiring to me. And I love when a message increases my compassion and openness to others and myself (such as the quote from Matias book below).
Fascinating... perspective on Consciousness (at about 22:48 minutes in the interview). Matias shares the perspective that consciousness is not about morality (whether a person is good or bad) and grounds us in the need and importance for the subconscious and unconscious aspects in each of us for our physical life here on earth.
I see a link to the insight in his series - Conversations Between I and Am: I Can" …on the need for the ego. "Every Ego in itself is an artist who has discovered a different way of creating art —that is, of perceiving the World. If every artist had the clarity of the spirit, every canvas and every wall in history would be white. For the divine Consciousness can only see that all potentialities coexist in a single particle; ....everything you can think of, is thanks to the perspectives of the Ego. Stop struggling to control the artist that lives inside you! Each person you meet, each emotion that bonds you to them, every relationship, trauma, conflict, experience, separation, infatuation, joy, resolution and every moment of fun you have experienced is what makes you original, evolutionary, capable of showing different paths." De Stefano, Matias. Conversations between I and AM : I CAN (pp. 188-189).
Fascinating... discovery on Consciousness from American anesthesiologist and professor at the University of Arizona known for his studies of consciousness and his controversial claim, alongside Sir Roger Penrose, that consciousness originates from quantum states in neural microtubules.
Amit Goswami, a Quantum Physicist, speaks in his books of Consciousness being the ‘ground of all being’. (I can still hear him saying these words from his teachings at IQUIM, where I completed my Doctor of Natural Medicine degree 😁).
The two interviews linked above also make the concepts of consciousness more pragmatic. My sense…
1) That it’s not all about ‘being enlightened’ because we are here to live in the physical life and experience and create in unique ways to us and our particular blend of being.
2) It’s vibrational, dynamic and way beyond our conscious minds capacity to be aware of all of it at any given time. In the body, “microtubules - about a billion inside each neuron - all processing information - oscillating at about 10 million times a second. Inside cells, microtubules have resonance patterns which repeat in hertz, kilohertz, megahertz, gigahertz and terahertz. a fractal, scale-invariant heirarchy - acting as time crystals.” Stuart Hameroff, et al.