Sound Currents - Music of the Spheres

Gaia TV’s “Sound of Creation” series includes one episode called Music of the Spheres where they shared the “Sun Sonification” video of NASA’s (see YouTube link). There are also other planets video recordings you can find on YouTube.

In this Sound of Creation episode they also spoke of ‘Sound Currents’ which people may hear occasionally. Do you observe this within yourself? When I experience this and am in a state where I become aware of it, I do my best to tune in and listen, receive. Although my conscious mind may not comprehend it in words or images, I do enjoy the concept of receiving ‘information’ via sound currents. In my view, not everything that happens has to make sense to or be judged by the conscious mind. Since everything is recorded in our subconscious, and it is not possible to be conscious of it all, receiving cosmic sound currents, information, that bypasses the mental limits seems pretty phenomenal.

We trust our vision more than most of our senses in our culture, and still there is so much that we miss seeing - yet it is not necessarily missed by our subconscious, and certainly this is relevant when it comes to sound and vibration. If our capacity to hear is 10 Octaves, ten times that of sight, maybe there is a lot more information we can tap into via listening.

“The first time I sat in the NYU anechoic chamber, I immediately heard the high-pitched sound of my nervous system and the low tone of my blood circulating”, Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD, a psychotherapist, sound practitioner and researcher.

John Stuart Reid, the creator of the cymascope (an imaging device which makes direct visual images of vibrational sound patterns, called cymaglyphs) continues to experiment and understand the effect of sound and vibration on matter. If you search for cymatics (study / science of sound and vibration made visible) or cymascope you can witness some of the visible forms created in both liquids and dry matter (sand, etc.). This is similar to Masaru Emoto’s work with ‘words’ or ‘thoughts’ effect on water. Dr. Hans Jenny, who discovered cymatics, provided a great foundational understanding, which has been built upon by Reid and others - I look forward to seeing a lot more awareness and developments in this area. It can start by our own direct experience and exploration, we don’t have to wait for someone to give us permission to explore what is possible for ourselves. After all we are exposed to various forms of sound and vibration every moment.

Reid also works with Anders Holte & Cacina Meadu, making their music visible with the cymascope.

Below is both the NASA recording of the sun - a link to the YouTube recording as well as John Stuart Reid’s cymascope visual image of the vibrational emanation of the sun - “Song of the Sun”, the sound of the sun made visible. It takes us beyond the concept that the sun is only visible light and heat. I wonder where it might take us if we really understood the effect and the potential - after all, we are made of vibrating ‘energy’ along with matter and water, all shown to be influenced by sound and vibration. What might be possible? Let’s tune in and explore.

Here is the link to a video recording of the sound of the sun.

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