Intention of Writing (Disclaimer)

In these blog posts, the intention is to share perspectives, that I am exploring or that influence my life in positive ways. It is being shared with the intention of offering a perspective, maybe a viewpoint that expands myself and the reader in a way that opens up more options or choices in life.

These are not offered as truths for everyone or even anyone. This is important in our time as we come to a greater understanding of what truth is for each of us, what is right for each of us as individuals. That possibly the real ‘truth’ is the harmony, balance and combination of all ‘truths’.

I prefer to think of truth as based on facets rather than facts. I like to think of each of us experiencing our own truth which I see as multifaceted like a disco ball reflecting all of our experiences and inner knowing, unique to each of us. The adding in of the ‘e’ to ‘facts’ for personal experience and for the emotional aspect of life where we each feel and experience life in our own unique way. Where we get into tune with our own body, our own inner experience, inner guidance and all the potentials here for us. We each experience life in some ways similarly yet all unique - the combination of everything witnessed, felt, perceived - infused and merged together. No other being has had the same combination of experiences, perspectives and conditions that we have.

As a result, in no way can I offer a solution to anyone’s situation in what I write or even in my work. I can, however, share ideas, insights and examples that might offer a viewpoint or trigger a remembrance of what a person knows already within (aka when something resonates with us) that can support a positive shift in someone else’s life, support them in coming to their inner truth on something. When we have completed training, read information that someone else has posted, etc. we can use it to open us up to new possibilities in our life., we can choose how we integrate that into our individual ‘disco ball’ of truth that we in turn ‘reflect’ out into the world and share with others.

When I look back over my life, what resonates or feels true to me has shifted, changed, expanded and will continue to do so. Certainly there is a great deal of information coming to light in recent times about the history of the planet as well as in science, for example in Quantum Physics that are certainly paradigm shifting. What I understand and how I perceive myself, others, and life events continues to evolve as I evolve through the experiences as well as the consciousness I bring to those experiences, my willingness to look beyond what I have held to be true, to explore within myself - and most importantly how I open to continually evolving what I hold to be true.

If what I share resonates or expands you - great! If not, that’s great too. The purpose is not to convince anyone of anything. But I am interested in dialogue, in exploring based on revelation rather than hard truths, on facets over facts. Of being inspired and sharing inspiration. After all, much of science is telling us that what we experience with our five senses is … well, an illusion.

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Questions? Or the Answer…


What is Acutonics & Biofield Tuning?