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Sound Bath

  • Dr. Shekinah 441 Main Street Penticton, BC Canada (map)

Join me at my studio for a sound bath every Sunday at 2pm.

How to prepare for a Sound Session and What to Expect

• Wear comfortable clothes and if you tend to run cold or hot, layers are helpful. Sometimes when we are releasing we can feel cold, maybe even a little shaky in some cases. And other moments we can experience heat. During the session having the ability to adjust layers is helpful. Blankets are also on hand to use as needed.

• Allow yourself room to have additional personal relaxation time at home following the session. Time for a salt bath or salt foot soak, time to go inward or time in nature, whatever is nurturing for your body and soul. This will vary from session to session and person to person.

• In some cases a session can inspire action and suddenly you can find yourself stepping into a project or tasks that need to be done. This is typically a calm but wonderful motivation and drive that is calm but where suddenly you feel the inspiration and ability to get some things done.

• If you have not done a great deal of energy work – it’s a good idea to start a little gradually to allow the process to be gentle and get to know how you respond to it and how to work with it the best for your experience.

• Energy work is a little like cleaning and maintaining a home. Things build up unless we attend to the cleaning and maintenance regularly.

February 24

Chakra Balancing Through Movement & Sound

March 5

Sound Bath (Group Sound Immersion)