Please refer to “How to Prepare for a Sound Session & What to Expect.” if you have not attended one with me before.
Fee $45 + tax
An evening of going inward and energetically recharging your body during the Christmas season… Preparing to clear and release all of 2023 with deep gratitude for all experiences, for every person. Opening to 2024 from a clear and aligned state - aligned with what is true for you now.
Looking into our tendency to evolve through contrast (struggle and suffering) and moving into evolving through observation without judgement and your direct connection and communication with the Divine within.
Register via the book now button below. Please arrive about 10 minutes early to get settled. Dress in comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat, blanket and pillow for your comfort. There are options to lay on the floor on a mat or a couple chair options. If you book and cannot make it, PLEASE cancel the registration preferably 2 days prior. Thank you <3.
Restore yourself to a state of energetic, physical and mental well-being. I look forward to seeing you there….