Cranial Sacral Therapy

What is Cranial Sacral Therapy?

Cranial Sacral Therapy (sometimes called craniosacral therapy) is a subtle yet deep hands on approach based on osteopathic (osteopathy) philosophy and study which believes that all aspects of our body have inherent motion. Cranial Sacral Therapy can be a way to tune into the status of the nervous system and highlight resources and primary restrictions which facilitates the body to ‘remember’ its innate ability to release and find balance.

At the core of the cranial sacral system are the membranes that surround the central nervous system, most notably the Dura mater (which has pain receptors and vascularized by the meningeal arteries) and associated structures of the bones of the cranium, including the face and mouth and extends down to the sacrum or tailbone area. The cranial sacral system surrounds the central nervous system. It is essentially a semi-closed hydraulic system contained within this tough, watertight membrane called dura, a mechanical barrier and shock absorber for this delicate and vital complex.

Cerebrospinal fluid is produced and enclosed within this membrane and this fluid maintains the physiological environment in which the brain and nervous system develop, live and “breath.” The production, absorption and reabsorption of this fluid creates a resonant pulse or rhythm throughout the entire body, and can be felt or palpated anywhere on the body. The cranial sacral therapist feels the pulse or rhythm which is not unlike that of the cardiac pulse or the rise and fall of breathing. Monitoring this rhythm allows the therapist to work with areas of restriction in the body.

Functions of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)

• Cerebrospinal fluid brings nourishment to the central nervous system.

• Provides protection to the brain and spinal chord.

• Transports enzymes and ions and helps to eliminate toxins.

• By improving the flow of CSF we are helping the body to perform and function better.Cranial Sacral is focused on supporting the nervous system, see a little more information here if you are not familiar with it.

Julie Gerhardt, who I have had the privilege of learning Cranial Sacral Therapy from, teaches that, as a CST, we are here to be in relationship, not the expert. Rather the recipient and their body is the expert of what they need... to ‘remember’ their true state of health. It's then my role to listen with my whole body, follow the indicators and help bring conscious awareness within the person, help them access their inner resources.

In my early days of mediating conflict this was also a very formative training, to not have an agenda for any outcome as the mediator - realizing that there is much more at play than simply just 'resolving' the issue. It doesn't mean that no action is taken, but rather minimize external interference with what is trying or needs to happen. This is not as easy to do as it seems - we are so often measured by what we do, and there’s often an expectation, within ourselves, to address and deliver what appears to be the issue and it’s solution.

Healing Practice Reflection

Practicing Sound Healing and Cranial Sacral Therapy calls me to be fully present—attentive, open, and free from judgment. My intention is to approach each session with wholehearted acceptance, holding space for every individual who chooses to come to me to do their work. The conversations we share are insightful, sometimes infused with laughter, and always deeply meaningful.

This daily practice serves as a reminder that we are all in a state of becoming—a continuous unfolding. I am honored to assist in releasing restrictions that hinder alignment with one’s true self. In this shared journey, both client and practitioner are supported in deeper self-discovery.

At the heart of this work is the ability to be intimately engaged yet simultaneously detached from the result. The focus is not on the outcome, for the outcome exists in the future. Instead, the focus rests in the process—the intention in the moment, within the connection between giver and receiver. What the patient chooses to do with the offering is irrelevant; it is the intention itself that acts as a catalyst for healing. And I see it a little like flying an airplane, one small adjustment in the flight path can take you to a totally different city or even country—each little adjustment we make affects the trajectory of our lives.

What I offer—my presence, my hands, my application of treatment—is ultimately a gift. Yet healing itself is never imposed; it can only be invited. My role is to create conditions that foster healing, while the choice to receive remains in the hands of each person I serve.

Holistic / natural therapy using healing frequencies and healing touch for mind-body wellness, meditation, trauma release, pain relief, addressing stress and anxiety, for physical and emotional balance, chakra balancing, and deep relaxation in Penticton and the Okanagan Valley. Energy Healing and Sound Therapy - serving the Okanagan Valley, located in Penticton and Summerland.


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