Discontinuity: Quantum Leap or Quantum Jumping


Quantum Physics… the physics that quantifies reality.

Discontinuity…. what is it?

“In classical physics, all movement is continuous and hence determinable by mathematics and algorithms that require continuity. But in the new physics, discontinuous ‘quantum leaps’ are allowed in addition to continuous movement” (Goswami, 2011).

Discontinuity: a sudden insight or clarity that helps resolve a situation or problem. In Quantum Physics this sudden insight or ah-ha! moment or the “discovery of something new of value in thought is a quantum leap of Insight” (Goswami, 2010).

Dr. Amit Goswami explains this insight further as “a discontinuous leap of thought without going through the intermediate steps.” Like the electron when it jumps from one atomic orbit to another, as Niels Bohr said, the “jump is discontinuous; the electron never goes through the intervening space. It disappears from one orbit and reappears in another” (Goswami, 2011).

It’s then we can “capitalize on the new idea” that was gained from this illumination or sudden insight.

There are a few astrologers who are suggesting we have the opportunity for greater access to quantum leaps or quantum jumping (aka discontinuity - experiencing timeline shifts, parallel realities, etc.) We are pure potential - how do we open ourselves to experiencing potentials that we have not yet?

Burt Goldman provides a perspective from his own life experience as well as exercises that are quite fun to practice if you are curious to explore. Cynthia Sue Larson’s Quantum Jumps is very similar to Burt’s. Basically a simple hypnosis process is used to bring you into a calm and focused state and from there… quantum jumping.

The idea is that every decision we make (choosing one potential option out of all options possible) collapses an experience into form. Assuming also that all other potentials have also been chosen and lived out. And can we access those other potentials through quantum jumping?

If your curious and want to explore what you can do - career, relationships, health, whatever… see where it leads you. There’s really nothing to lose - if nothing else you will improve your wellbeing through the exercise of relaxation and improved mental states.

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