Already here and now - Already it
Being here now - already it, already here, nowhere to go, nothing to do… Presence
Sharing here .. an example moment where I found my way to access deep presence for myself, processing and healing from a time of distress. We hear of being here now but it’s not always easy to experience it. Nature is almost guaranteed to help us out.
On November 3rd at Okanagan Lake. I feel drawn to leave my evening walk along the sidewalk and stand in the sand close to the water’s edge, after a very busy day it feels good to be out in nature, integrating, grounding. The lake is still, silky satin smooth, reflecting the city lights along part of the shoreline, stretching in front of me below a partially cloudy, partially starry sky. In the presence of the calm and beautiful lake enveloped in the dusk, I focus my attention on the area in front of my face - where the breath comes in, is waiting to come in as I inhale. I keep my attention here - I find this ritual to be most helpful in coming into center.
As I stand I call my attention to those who may be standing with me - my youngest son, ancestors, guides, angels, star families, power animals. I observe my thoughts - now that I have time alone, without the focus on things that need to be tended to, my thoughts are spinning around things related to a recent relationship situation. Just exhausting how relentless the mind can run sometimes. Especially when it is something that doesn’t deserve the attention the mind is giving it.
I receive the insight to clear … my body, cells, organs, fascia, circulatory system, nervous system, brain, energy fields. mental field, emotional field, soul, …. which I did energetically. So helpful! So grateful! Feeling so much clearer. I then work with and attend to the expectations, attachments to outcomes - ultimately detaching from all that I have been attached to around this. All that I think things should be or that I should do or be anything for anyone else. I then attended to the thoughts, the judgment, stories, drama and disappointment, complaining, ultimately whatever was behind these things - cleared from me at all levels.
I then find myself standing completely calm and strong - without discomfort or needing to adjust or move, my hands and my body holding a gentle, powerful vibration, strong yet at ease, clear … so amazing, Just in this blissful, meditative, presence. Where even in a standing position my body is completely at rest, as if it is laying down, no tension. Beautiful! Truly feeling here now, nowhere to go, nothing to do… already here, already it.
I love the waters of these lakes in the Okanagan and all the nature we have here to support us as we journey through life’s experiences.
#soundhealing #pentictonbc #soundhealer #biofieldtuning #acutonics #okanaganbc #soundbath